Youth Elixir Mix

Pilot Bowl

The Pilot Bowl is inspired by fighter pilots, since just like this recipe for us, they are one of the most appreciated positions/recipes.

We have special affection for it, since it was our founder’s daily routine and why she started it all.

The fighter pilot selection processes work the same as our superfood selection: “They only accept the elite of all potential candidates.”.

Not only is this mix delicious, but it’s also incredibly nutritionally complete.

Ready to take off? 😉

Yourgut Team


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 tablespoon of YOUTH ELIXIR MIX
  • ½ cup of red fruits
  • 1 splash of vegetable milk of your choice


Mix and blend all the ingredients together.
You can add, to obtain an extra sweetness, honey, granola and blueberries on top.

Youth Elixir


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