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At Yourgut we offer the HR department a guaranteed solution to remotivate staff and reduce absenteeism, based on the latest knowledge of mental & intestinal health through natural products.

According to the study “Challenges of Spanish companies in the COVID-19 era” prepared by Sodexo, 60% of organizations consider conciliation, the physical and emotional well-being of employees as the most important challenge on which to start working. 32% of companies highlight mitigating the stress produced by hyperconnectivity, accentuated by teleworking, as a challenge.

Start with a pilot test on 10 people,
and let the results speak for themselves!

Contact us

To receive information

+34 626 770 612

Do you worry about yours? Do you want
to help them reach
their full potential?
Start now!

Innovation is what distinguishes
the leader from the followers.

Go Real
& Organic

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