Youth Elixir Mix


We want to dedicate this recipe to all those people who suffer from cancer.
All those fighters are a great example for us in strength and improvement.

We want to contribute our grain of sand with the “Youth Elixir” mix that helps prevent cancer. Being high in antioxidants, it blocks and neutralizes the activity of free radicals. These free radicals damage cells and can trigger the development of cancer.

We have chosen this very simple recipe so that everyone can take care of themselves effortlessly.
Take care and take care of yours.


Yourgut Team


  • Vegetable milk of your choice (we recommend using rice milk)
  • 1 tablespoon of YOUTH ELIXIR MIX
  • 1 pinch of vanilla


Mix all the ingredients together.
You can add, to obtain an extra sweetness, a little honey.
Enjoy it hot or cold!.

Youth Elixir


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